Source code for lambada

Lambada package entry point
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from functools import wraps
import logging

from six import iteritems

__version__ = '0.0.0'
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class Dancer(object): """ Simple function wrapping class to add context to the function (i.e. name, description, memory.) """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__( self, function, name=None, description='', **kwargs ): """Creates a dancer object to let us know something has been decorated and store the function as the callable. Args: function (callable): Function to wrap. name (str): Name of function. description (str): Description of function. kwargs: See :data:`OPTIONAL_CONFIG` for options, if not specified in dancer, the Lambada objects configuration is used, and if that is unspecified, the defaults listed there are used. """ self.function = function = name self.description = description self.override_config = kwargs @property def config(self): """ A dictionary of configuration variables that can be merged in with the Lambada object """ return dict(, description=self.description, **self.override_config ) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls the function. """ self.function(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Lambada(object): """ Lambada class for managing, discovery and calling the correct lambda dancers. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, handler='lambda.tune', **kwargs): """ Setup the data structure of dancers and do some auto configuration for us with deploying to AWS using :mod:`lambda_uploader`. See :data:`OPTIONAL_CONFIG` for arguments and defaults. """ self.config = dict(handler=handler) for key, default in iteritems(OPTIONAL_CONFIG): self.config[key] = kwargs.get(key, default) log.debug('Base lambada configuration is: %r', self.config) self.dancers = {} def __call__(self, event, context): """ Lambda handler which is auto configured when pushed to Lambda Args: event: Amazon event passed in context: AWS Lambda context object passed in. """ dancer = context.function_name try: self.dancers[dancer](event, context) except KeyError: raise Exception( 'No Matching Dancer for the tune: {}'.format( dancer ) )
[docs] def dancer( self, name=None, description='', **kwargs ): """ Wrapper that adds a given function to the dancers dictionary to be called. Args: name (str): Optional lambda function name (default uses the name of the function decorated. description (str): Description field in AWS of the function. kwargs: Key/Value overrides of either defaults or Lambada class configuration values. See :data:`OPTIONAL_CONFIG` for available options. Returns: Dancer: Object with configuration and callable that is the function being wrapped """ def _dancer(func): """ Inner decorator to support syntactically simpler decorators. Finds out name of function and adds to dictionary of dancers using the name as the key. Args: Function to be wrapped. Returns: Function wrapped with arguments """ @wraps(func) def _decorator(*args, **kwargs): """ Inner decorator that gets called when the dancer executes. """ log.debug( 'Calling %s with event: %r and context: %r', real_name, *args ) return func(*args, **kwargs) # Add decorated function to registry if (not name) or callable(name): real_name = func.__name__ else: real_name = name self.dancers[real_name] = Dancer( _decorator, real_name, description, **kwargs ) return self.dancers[real_name] # name can be callable, None, or an argument, figure that out # and return the correct wrapper if callable(name): return _dancer(name) return _dancer