Source code for lambada.cli

Command line interface for running, packaging,
and uploading commands to AWS.
import os

import click
from lambda_uploader.package import build_package
from lambda_uploader.uploader import PackageUploader
from six import iteritems

from lambada.common import get_lambada_class, LambadaConfig, LambdaContext


[docs]def create_package(path, tune, requirements, destination=ZIPFILE_UPLOAD_NAME): """ Creates and returns the package using :py:mod:`lambda_uploader`. """ if os.path.isfile(path): path = os.path.dirname(path) path = os.path.abspath(path) pkg = build_package( path, requirements, virtualenv=None, ignore=tune.config['ignore_files'], extra_files=tune.config['extra_files'], zipfile_name=destination ) pkg.clean_workspace() return pkg @click.option( '--path', default='./', envvar='LAMBADA_PATH', help='Path to the python file with your Lambada class declaration.', type=click.Path(exists=True) ) @click.pass_context def cli(context, path): """ Execute, package, and upload all of your lambda functions """ tune = get_lambada_class(path) if not tune: raise click.ClickException('Unable to find Lambada class declaration') context.obj = dict(tune=tune, path=path) @cli.command(name='list') @click.pass_obj def list_dancers(obj): """ Lists all of the discovered lambda commands """ def indent_echo(item): """Adds 4 spaces to item and echos it.""" click.echo('{}{}'.format(' ' * 4, item)) click.echo('List of discovered lambda functions/dancers:') for _, dancer in iteritems(obj['tune'].dancers): click.echo() click.echo('{}:'.format( indent_echo('description: {}'.format(dancer.description)) for (key, value) in dancer.override_config.items(): indent_echo('{}: {}'.format(key, value)) @cli.command() @click.option( '--event', default='test', help='Event string to pass to your dancer.' ) @click.argument('dancer') @click.pass_obj def run(obj, dancer, event): """ Runs a given function with a given event and a simulated context. """ context = LambdaContext(function_name=dancer) obj['tune'](event, context) @cli.command() @click.option( '--destination', default='', envvar='LAMBADA_PACKAGE_DESTINATION', help='name of zip file you would like to create', type=click.Path(exists=False, dir_okay=False) ) @click.option( '--requirements', default='./requirements.txt', envvar='LAMBADA_REQUIREMENTS', help='Path to requirements.txt to include in package', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False) ) @click.pass_obj def package(obj, requirements, destination): """ Creates a zip file with everything needed to upload to AWS Lambda manually. Useful for checking everything out before uploading. """ create_package(obj['path'], obj['tune'], requirements, destination) @cli.command() @click.argument('dancer', required=False) @click.option( '--requirements', default='./requirements.txt', envvar='LAMBADA_REQUIREMENTS', help='Path to requirements.txt to include in package', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False) ) @click.pass_obj def upload(obj, requirements, dancer): """ Upload all lambda functions. """ tune = obj['tune'] click.echo('Creating package') pkg = create_package( obj['path'], obj['tune'], requirements ) def upload_dancer(dancer): """ Uploads the given dancer. """ config_dict = tune.config.copy() config_dict.update(dancer.config) config = LambadaConfig(obj['path'], config_dict) click.echo('Uploading Package for {}'.format( uploader = PackageUploader(config, None) uploader.upload(pkg) if dancer: dancer_obj = tune.dancers.get(dancer, None) if dancer_obj is None: raise click.ClickException( "Dancer {} doesn't exist".format(dancer) ) upload_dancer(dancer_obj) else: for _, dancer in iteritems(tune.dancers): upload_dancer(dancer) pkg.clean_zipfile()