Source code for lambada.common

Common classes, functions, etc.
import imp
from glob import glob
import os
import time
import traceback

import click
from lambda_uploader.config import Config, REQUIRED_PARAMS

from lambada import Lambada

[docs]def get_lambada_class(path): """ Given the path, find the lambada class label by :func:`dir` ing for that type. Args: path (click.Path): Path to folder or file """ # Need to catch a lot more exceptions than usual # since I am trying to blindly load python files. # pylint: disable=broad-except tune = None module_list = [] if os.path.isdir(path): counter = 0 for python_file in glob(path + '*.py'): try: module_list.append( imp.load_source( '__temp{}__'.format(counter), python_file ) ) counter += 1 except (Exception, SystemExit): click.echo('Unable to import {}'.format(python_file)) click.echo('Got stack trace:\n{}'.format( ''.join(traceback.format_exc()) )) elif os.path.isfile(path): module_list.append( imp.load_source('__temp__', path) ) else: raise click.ClickException('Path does not exist') for module in module_list: for name in dir(module): try: item = getattr(module, name, None) except ImportError: item = None if isinstance(item, Lambada): tune = item break if tune: break return tune
[docs]def get_time_millis(): """ Returns the current time in milliseconds since epoch. """ return int(round(time.time() * 1000))
[docs]class LambadaConfig(Config): """ Small override to load config from dictionary instead of from a configuration file. """ def __init__(self, path, config): """ Takes config dictionary directly instead of retrieving it from a configuration file. """ # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called self._path = path self.config = self._config = config self._set_defaults() if self._config['vpc']: self._validate_vpc() for param, clss in REQUIRED_PARAMS.items(): self._validate(param, cls=clss)
[docs]class LambdaContext(object): """ Convenient class duplication of the one passed in by Amazon as defined at: """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-few-public-methods def __init__( self, function_name, function_version=None, invoked_function_arn=None, memory_limit_in_mb=None, aws_request_id=None, log_group_name=None, log_stream_name=None, identity=None, client_context=None, timeout=None ): """ Setup all the attributes of the class. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-few-public-methods self.function_name = function_name self.function_version = function_version self.invoked_function_arn = invoked_function_arn self.memory_limit_in_mb = memory_limit_in_mb self.aws_request_id = aws_request_id self.log_group_name = log_group_name self.log_stream_name = log_stream_name self.identity = identity self.client_context = client_context if timeout: self._end = get_time_millis() + (timeout * 1000)
[docs] def get_remaining_time_in_millis(self): """ If we have a timeout return the amount of time left. """ if not self._end: return None return self._end - get_time_millis()
def __str__(self): """ return all attributes as repr to make debugging easier. """ return str(vars(self))